Monday, March 26, 2007

The Heavy Price To Pay

OK folks, it's been a week since last week's 24 so if you don't want any spoilers stop reading now. I am about to let out some...information...and I don't need you yelling at me cause of your lazy asses. You ready, everyone here who wants to be? Good. Now then I want to discuss the price President Palmer had to pay to get Jack out and the role Audrey may or may not have had in it.

We learned that Audrey "died" in China looking for Jack. They asked for her DNA to check the corpse and all that entails. Is it possible Wayne Palmer gave them her location or something of that matter to get Jack Bauer back? Perhaps, but then again this isn't your normal run of the mill show, there's always something else going on as well.

Some theorize that the true big bad behind everything the last few years is that James Heller, friend to Jack father of Jack's latest lady is the true man behind the Blue Tooth Group, Jack's father, Logan, etc etc etc. No one really knows this, but he would be the man behind the curtain behind the man behind the curtain. So getting his daughter in exchange for Jack would be quite the coup and she would gladly give her life for Jack. We all know though that Audrey isn't dead, that's too easy.

The following are some theories of what Wayne may have given up to get Jack back...
1.Kim Bauer, Behrooz, and the radioactive corpse of George Mason, and a player to be named later

2.Randy Moss and Manny Ramirez in exchange for Jack Bauer and Jet Li.

3.The DNA of Shaq to continue building the upgrade to the Yao Ming T-1100 Model.

4.The assurance that they will not retaliate if they decide to invade Japan and the head of John the Baptist.

5. He gave them a a slayer and a the remains of a browncoat.

I know you have theories, and I'd love to hear them all. We all know Audrey isn't dead, more then likely her father picked her up just before she found Jack's location, staged her death and some other price has been given. Perhaps they have a number of political prisoners in the US? Maybe we hand Afghanistan over to them, or just look the other way as they dominate Asia?

That many possibilities, anyone else have any thoughts on the matter?

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