Thursday, March 15, 2007

I have a theory that the truth is never told during the nine-to-five hours. -HST

Alright, I'll admit right now that I have been somewhat absent when it comes to talking about the various political shit storm that has brewing in this country for the last few weeks. I think I figure a good portion of you go out to C&L, ShakesSis, Reason or any other plethora of blogs to get your daily political bullshit. I know back during the election time I tended to rant and rave politics, policy and election but I suppose it may have just been a way for me to try to get some of you off your collective asses, rally, vote, do something so I don't have to since my only plans is to burn everything down to the foundation and start fresh. Well, maybe not everything I'd leave Yellowstone and Yosemite intact, but then they are some of the most beautiful places on this planet.

I know were turned off by the ranting and raving so I tried to go a different route, I tried to talk about things other blogs don't talk about. I tried to be an amalgam of various things as I had no desire to become a member of Edwards' staff, though you'd be damned to see me cave in to those assholes from Fox. In case you're listening Brit Humme, Chris Wallace, Billzzaro, Andy Coultre, Michelle Malkins and Sean Hannity bring all the verbal tirades you want to bring against me. Call me every name in the book, harass me, my friends, my family and my neighbors bedpost that rocks for twenty seconds every night. I will flat out tell you my opinion and I will be damned if you're going to attempt to make me feel bad, embarrassed or anything I don't want to feel. Hell, I'd take an open invitation to your studio for an interview. Then I would have to recreate the infamous night that Brian Pillman debuted in ECW.

Did I ever write that I had a problem with Catholicism, you're god damned right I did. Do I have a problem with organized religion, I guess one would be wise to make that assumption. Do I hate all Christians, certainly not I love my family. Do I believe a great deal of you are more dangerous then terrorists? A hundred fuckin percent and then some. Personally, there's not enough bullets for what I would like to do to a great many of you, and none of it involves murder or assassination, that's what you and yours propagate.

Now then, where to begin on the latest political happenings in the world? I mean there are so many choices, we could talk about the 8 attorney firings which I covered back in the summer when it first came to light but the MSM took their sweet time to pay attention to it. How with each and every day it looks more and more like political actions, and in one case (Carol Lam) where it becomes more and more obvious to me that the Department of Justice obstructed justice to protect some of their friends. Is Berto Gonzo going to resign, without a doubt. Though I would much rather him resign over treating the Constitution like toilet paper then over the attorney debacle.

Then you have General Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joints Chief who evidently has a problem with homosexuality. That's nice, there's a good portion of the population who actually WANT to serve in the military when they need it most so they don't keep sending back troops who are physically unfit to fight back to Iraq. According to Gen. Pace he doesn't believe in immorality, and that's why we are fighting for for people to have morals and principles. you know one cannot have morals or principles without fighting for them. Morals and principles have always been then main thing crushed by dictators, what was I thinking.

I mean I very well could continue to go on and on about the continual bullshit that this administration is dishing out. If you would like, I know Anita and I are planning this and I'd like to invite everyone out to join us as we March on the Pentagon.

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