Friday, April 27, 2007

Democratic Debate

I did not get to see it as I was working last night, but from what I have seen I was quite impressed with a few people, namely Mike Gravel. Some have said his performance was nutty, that he was a crazy old cot, but I think it was some frank honesty that we desperately need in this country.

Barak Obama apparently did very well, but this clip frightens me a lil bit.

I do think Kucinich came off as very intelligent, very well spoken, and very firm on his positions. People said Richardson may have dropped, but I don't see it, least so far and to be fair I haven't seem the entire debate as of yet. Right now though, the "lower-tier" candidates appear much more intelligent and have ACTUAL plans, not just talking points.

Watch the end of that video to see the genius of Gravel, his plan to get Bush to end this war is put simply, genius. I will continue to give my thoughts as I get to see more of these videos, stayed tuned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think Mike Gravel added some spice into what might have been a boring discussion of issues. I think it will be interesting to see if this debate has any impact on the recent election 2008 polls. After all, this debate was supposed to help the voters decide on who to vote for at the election. I hope that we will see another exciting debate on the Republican side.