Thursday, January 25, 2007


Weekend Update at least is still worth watching on SNL. I know many people over the years complain about the downfall of talent on SNL, I disagree sometimes. Some of the lowest points in SNL history have been when some of the best talents were there, we merely didn't know it yet and we like to reminisce that we always watched, though historic numbers say otherwise.

Welcome to my new home here in the blogdom, figured I would centralize all my writings to one location. I will post links to this blog from the other locations I have posted from in the past but this be my new home. I think I like it here, with the padded walls, 3 circular meals a day, and the hot ass candy nurse that we call Anita...yummy. I now know what the Animaniac was talking about when he said, "Hellllllllllllllllloooooooooooo Nurse!”

I know this moth has been very popular about politicians deciding to run for the Office of the President of the United States, but Tim Dickinson explains greatly why Al Gore needs to jump in this race. Personally I'd love to see Obama as his running mate, leading to his future Presidential win after Gore is done (imagine 16 years of Democratic Presidency).

Anita has a new blog up about 2006 and what lies ahead I recommend it to everyone, it includes me.

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