Friday, January 26, 2007

The Most Amazing Game Ending I've Ever Seen

As I DJed last night at The Times I watched the ending of the Clemson Duke matchup from Cameron.

Wow. Hands down the most amazing finish to any basketball game that I've ever seen. Better then the other Duke one, better then anything Jordan ever showed us, absolutely something amazing. I challenge anyone to show me a better will be wrong.

In some GREAT news, Katie Tomcat Holmes will NOT be returning for The Dark Knight. Thankfully she has gone back to making horrible movies. I was a bit concerned when they cast Heath Ledger as me errrrrrrr The Joker, but he can be a really good actor at times and I will trust in the Genius of Christopher Nolan. I mean this is the man who made a great movie AND had the ingenuity to make a movie that made all those kids in the basement downright wet, Batman vs. Wolverine.

Sadly he also used some of the worst comic book storylines, see cloning and secret twin brothers, but the movie is still fantastic. If you haven't caught on I am naturally talking about The Prestige, naturally.

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