Friday, January 26, 2007

All Writers Eventually Go Insane

Sean Hannity, a more who is even more biased then O'Reilly but not yet as insane gasbag racist baiter Rush Limbaugh, really has some balls sometimes. Hannity, a college dropout pundit who's only job is to give you his vapid opinion and ridicule your own has decided that he know MORE then say a Four Star General who is also a Rhodes Scholar. That's right, Sean Hannity had the audacity to attempt to correct a General on military strategy because the Incompetent in Chief says this is a "new strategy". When will the Faux News folks realize that just because the man, who wishes he was one of Reagan's movie characters, says something doesn't actually make it true.

In far more pleasant news, Striptease has a great comic today, if nothing more for the final frame. Yes, it is safe for work. Hell, if you're bored I'd suggest going back and reading it from the beginning it is without a doubt one of the best webcomics out there. Of course we all know what the best is.

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