Monday, January 29, 2007

Political News of the Day

Crooks and Liars is a favorite of mine to go to since they tend to link to everything that one may be interested in when it comes to political news. Yes, they tend to be leaning a tad bit left, but that's okay because I'd rather be leaning a tad left then completely fallen over to the right. At any right they give to us today this clip which has made its rounds over the last week. Apparently it is a speech give to troops who are not going to re-enlist in the Army. I can attest to this, though I wasn't harassed to the level these troops were, and sure as hell wasn't lied to with fear tactics to get me to stay in.

I know recruiters in the military may very well have the toughest non-combat job in the military and this administration isn't making it any easier, but how could you sleep at night knowing full well you're completely lying out your ass? Course there is the other possibility that they actually believe what they were saying, which would be said because then that is precisely why they are still in the military.

LT Ehren Watada is going to Court Martial this week and things are looking to get ugly. He is the highest ranking officer in the military to refuse to go to war. The scariest thing is the military trying to force reporters to testify about what Watada said to them. It's a military trial so they may not have the right to plead the fifth, I'll have to check with Anita on that one. I will keep everyone posted on this as the trial goes forward.

Finally, a great article from the one and only Dave Barry about Miami, the Super Bowl and the shithole that is Denver. My favorite segment of the entire article...

Back in November, Rep. Tancredo, who represents suburban Denver, ruffled some feathers down here when he called Miami ``a third-world country.''

For the record, that charge is unfair: Miami is WAY better armed than any third-world country.

I still hate Denver...I will one day burn it to the ashes and salt the Earth.

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