Monday, February 12, 2007

Head Meet Desk

Certain people shouldn't touch these new-fangled machines. I will post more about the weekend later, but a quick taste of what my morning has been like so far.

OBWSTM-Old Broad Who Shouldn't Touch Machines
Me-Your soon to be homicidal hero

OBWSTM-I had her scan something to my machine and...oh there it is...(minimizes it)...wait, where did it go?!

Me-(sigh) You minimized it...again...see the bottom right hand corner? Click on Paperport.

OBWSTM-There's no Paper...oh, that one, ok. Oh, THERE it is.

Mind you this is the lady who whenever she needs something from Outlook she opens it. So naturally when she complains about her computer running slow it's because she has ten copies of Outlook open, six Internet explorers, three copies of word, two copies of power point and a partridge in a pear tree.

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