Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Off-Site Awesomeness

Yes, beginning sometime today ALL of my office is going away for an off-site. Well, I should say everyone but myself and my co-worker who shall now be named as FenwayJ. The IT folks don't need to come and as such we will have two and a half days of peace and quiet away from the yapping and nauseating people we have to work for. I mean, if you want to see what our job is like you could just take a look at this. The saddest thing, I wish I was joking in some way or fashion, but I am not, our customers ARE this brain dead.

With all these folks going out of town I have been told I need to be move my daily schedule up two hours to facilitate their mission. Which is nice for Wednesday and Friday, not so nice for Thursday. Of course today I slept right through my alarm and woke up at the time I was supposed to be in this morning. Luckily I am also a ninja and no one but FenwayJ really noticed. There are a few stragglers in the office trying to make last minute completions to jobs, but I believe they'll all be gone by noon which is good because I need to take my car to get inspected before the day ends.

For all of you who do not live in the greater DC Metro area let me explain something for you, the folks in this area couldn't drive their way out of a wet paper bag. You have to understand they drive worse in when it sprinkles then when there is a thunderstorm. People LOVE to drive twenty five miles an hour on the highway when there is ANYTHING falling from the sky. This morning I got another lovely piece of the thing I call the sun glare pie. You see, folks in DC either don't own sunglasses or know how to use their vanity mirrors. Since they are feeble in this way the almighty sun-glare is the main cause for traffic in the morning and evenings, other then accidents.

You have to understand people, this is not a rare occurrence but something that transpires twice a day. Today I was greeted by sun-glare so bad that it cause folks to stop in the middle of the highway, a full and complete stop, just so they could change lanes. Work is a seven minute drive for me when I'm actually at my apartment, today it was almost a half an hour cause of these assclowns. It wasn't as bad as yesterday as apparently the all mighty sun-glare demon cause many accidents as I passed four ambulances on my way to work from Silver Spring.

It are tiny things like this that make me happy to be moving to Houston, this city is a transient city. Everyone comes from somewhere else and they're used to driving in that particular style. I come from California so I can drive any style as long as it's fast.

1 comment:

Kathleen... said...

I'm so drawn to this pic every time I pop very nice in such a quiet way. =)