Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ten Things I Worry About

Ten on Tuesday

10.The Grizzly/Polar Bear Hybrids, are they just the bears solution to an all climate killing machine that will maul us no matter what the season?
9.Will the Oakland A's decide to finally go up one more level and actually make it to the World Series this year?
8.What is married life is going to be like.
7.Will the Cleveland Browns do the SMART thing this year and continue to work on our lines, or will we make the mistake of some Offensive Player like Troy Smith or Tedd Ginn Jr. Say it with me folks, Alan Branch.
6.Will the Oakland A's ever keep our youthful star players who are NOT named Chavez?
5.Now the Joss Whedon is off of Wonder Woman, will he finally get around to finishing the Buffy and Angel story?
4.Is the inner compass of my being broken as to what I want to do with my life when it comes to a profession?
3.Will David Lynch ever give the fans what they want and finally finish the Twin Peaks story?
2.What if Scientology is somewhat correct and there's this big bad out there named Xenu who wants us all dead? Because with this administration we'd be surely fucked.
1.Will my grandmother ever get to meet Anita before her time?

1 comment:

Freewheel said...

One more:

Could I be the real father of Anna Nicole's baby?