I was looking for some kind of random image for this post so I began Google Image Searching various combinations of words. Friday February, Friday Funny, etc, etc, etc. I decided to go with Ninja Animal, and that is where I saw Ahmed Johnson. Why, I'm not really sure he was never any type of...ninja. Hell, ninjas are stealthy and deadly killers as where Ahmed was deadly but that was due to his sloppy in ring work.
So yes, it's Friday, no link there. Nothing new really to say, you all know that the show is tomorrow night so fun times there. Definitely a busy time since I have many many promos and additional footage to shoot before the show. It will be a great show though, maybe the best one we've ever put on. At the very least it has the capability to be the best show we've ever had.
As you have probably noticed by now the MSM has not let go of this whole Anna Nicole Smith thing. Sure this Judge is the biggest douche of a judge since one named Ito, but come on. Bury the bitch already before she rises from the dead and starts eating everyone...let's just hope she starts with that slimy lawyer/husband/whatever of her's first. Course I mention Zombies, I just finished reading the first five TPBs of The Walking Dead and so naturally it's on my mind. I mean I shouldn't be walking around the Pentagon City Mall and thinking how good of a location it is for shelter due to the lack of public access doors, the spacious floor, the food court, and the glass ceiling gives plenty of natural light.
I also have to work tonight at Kellys Irish Times, which would not be a problem but I'm working upstairs. See all of us DJs HATE working upstairs mainly because you only have a stool, you're elevated, getting drinks is a bitch, going to the bathroom is more of one, and there is basically no socializing. I get stuck with upstairs because the manager likes me, they get a kick out of my wrestling end of night, and apparently one of the other DJs pissed them off to where he can't work up there, allegedly.
Nothing else to report, work, work, work, party, work, blah, blah, blah, I now need the next book of Walking Dead...so for your enjoyment I give you a great musician...
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