Tuesday, March 13, 2007


So, where should I begin with my review of 300? Let it be known here and now that I am an AVID Frank Miller fan, die hard would be a bit of a stretch, but I do tend to worship the ground Mr. Miller walks on. Hell, one of my upcoming pieces on my right arm (just above the elbow down to the forearm) comes directly from 300. So to say I had high expectations of this film would be a vast understatement. I would not be mincing words to say that it met all expectations and then some, it surpassed my expectations by leaps and bounds and then maybe used a rocket pack to go even farther then that.

I know some have decided that they didn't like the movie, I don't understand you goat fuckers but hey it's your opinion. The movie was a thing of beauty from top to bottm, left to right, side to side, horizontal and vertical. All around it may very well be the best damn action movie I have ever seen and I've seen plenty. I'm not a gore fest type person either, hell I haven't seen any of the Saws or Hostel because that's what I assume they are. Gerald Butler, who I loved as the Phantom, did exceptionally well as King Leonidas. Especially when talking to Xerxes, that sarcastic tone that you could tell was dripping off the page of the novel was dripping from the screen.

It gives me much pleasure to think that Zach Snyder is the man to helm Watchmen, judging by this movie (which was deemed unfilmable) he will do Watchmen much justice (another comic deemed unfilmable). I think it has something for everyone, Anita even enjoyed herself and she tends not to enjoy violence. In closing if you were not one of the millions...AND MILLIONS...to go see 300 this past weekend get off your fat asses down to the theater and see something truly beautiful.

1 comment:

Kathleen... said...

I can't wait......=)