Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tuesday Blog Round Up

Yes, it is late in the day as I begin writing this. It hasn’t been busy at work or anything like that, but it has been a busy day of reading various blogs, articles, and other such nonsense. I like to try to bring everyone a few news stories that they may have missed since there is no longer a press who likes to actually report news. One of the stories below actually brings up this fact and we’ll discuss then. Until then, here we go.

A Smithsonian Story that reminds us just how far the corruption has gone in this administration. I don’t kid when I say that this administration is more then likely the most criminal in the history of this great nation. Reagan and Nixon were bad, but we never really uncovered anything that really went this far. DC now stands for Definite Corruption, and we’re talking on all levels.

Now wonder they can’t recruit people nowadays. I know how hard a recruiter’s job is, they have quotas they MUST meet and the times don’t make it easy. But one sure way to alienate people is to let loose like this. SGT you are a disgrace to the uniform, and I have no squabbles saying that.

Tom DeLay Godwins the Democrats. I don’t know if a man who should be in jail right now knows about Godwin’s Law or not, but apparently his new book is full of it, and not just shit. Someone needs to remind Skippy here that being prosecuted for being a criminal is not that same thing as what the Nazi’s did to the Jews.

DOJ using the 5th and I posted the question to Anita, my lovely and beautiful law student, and she can only use it when it is relevant to herself directly. She cannot use the 5th on information she may know about someone ELSE. Not sure how the questions were worded, but Lehay should know this.

Rolling Stone has a great article up about how the House Republicans are currently acting. The following is my favorite line of the entire bit:
[..]The Republicans ran Congress like a basement cock-fighting ring for more than a decade, and two months or so after they're out of power, they're already transformed into a bunch of squawking dissidents more pretentious than Rage Against the Machine.

What a shock, the administration is trying to control everything, to protect their friends, fundraisers, and basically obstruct justice. I wish we could have an investigation into whether or not the administration is guilty of obstruction, but then we have been constantly reminded lately that the prosecutors serve at “the pleasure of the president.”

The Daily Howler has a lengthy piece about our current press corps, and I really wonder if HST saw this and just became absolutely depressed. Hunter was always the journalist who wasn’t afraid to get down to the nitty gritty, do the stories others didn’t have the sack to, and write the truth as only seen through a drug induced haze. Today’s journalists are more concerned with style then substance, appearance then facts. They try telling us that they sell us this garbage because that is what the American people want, I think the emergence of blogs reporting stories and facts refute this notion. We do not want style, we desire and demand substance. You think we only want that because that is all you get us and we’re far too weak to NOT buy something. The Press Corps no longer has any backbone or testicular fortitude and that is why we all have come to the internet in an attempt to see through the shit filled haze and find the truth. After all most of us doing this growing up in the nineties and remember the adage, the truth is out there…

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