Monday, March 19, 2007

Weekend Warriors

Warrior: "You need to open your eyes and ears, take control of the limited ability you have to understand the words I am about to say. For years, I have watched while this industry, with you as it’s figurehead, try to recreate what is simply unrecreatable. I have heard, listened to all the innuendos and speculation that something ULTIMATE or WARRIOR may soon re-appear. Welcome to the reappearance! Those things, Hogan, which are irreplaceable, whether they be people, places, or things, are never forgotten. You are witnessing that RIGHT NOW!

I would have quoted another Warrior promo, but that was the only one I could find on short notice. Why am I quoting Warrior this Monday morning, no real reason. I named the title of this entry as Weekend Warriors and the first thought that I had was to put up a picture of The Ultimate Warrior. After putting up this picture, which I believe is from his third run during the mid nineties, I wanted one of his bat shit crazy promos and only found this piece from his initial debut from WCW. Then again if you want to watch various clips go over and check out a clip from the Self-Destruction DVD

So then yes, the weekend that was Saint Pattys Day weekend honestly was one of the more the sublime and enjoyable weekends in recent memory. Friday night was the EWA's Free Friday Night Fights which more or less turned into a regular show. We had plenty of matches and it was damn close to two hours long. We had a great match for the main event, many solid matches for the card, and it also included the match of the year (inside joke, ask if you want to know). Of course I luckily made it there on time, especially seeing that it took me two and a half hours to make an hour drive. Yes, the traffic gods were back out in force since winter wasn't giving up without a fight. I was also not prepared for after the show when I walked out to my car and found out The Executor had been turned into an ice cube. That's right folks, I was at the show for three hours and in the time the outside had turned into Hoth.

Saturday we (Anita and I) were supposed to join the march on the Pentagon. We decided that due to the outside weather we would merely stay at home, do some cleaning, study and accomplish other things. Maybe we're bad people, but we live in DC and make our thoughts known on a regular basis. It looked like there were more then enough people there to make a statement, besides it was St. P's day and we needed to prepare for that evening. The amusing thing is that the news keeps saying there were thousands of anti-protester protesters and yet whenever I see photos or film there seems to be...thirty.

That night we attended a friend's annual SPD party at their apartment and a good time was had. We even managed to get Dorthy (my new roommate from NJ/PA) out of the apartment for once to expand and socialize, which she did successfully. We met a nice couple, and I spent a good portion of the night explaining to the folks what Jesus Camp was about and I believe most of them will take some time this week to rent the movie, which is what everyone should do if you really want to see how badly some of the right are getting. I think I sold them based on me telling them about the following clip...

Sunday I took the time to educate Anita in what we call The Continuing Education of Anita When It Comes To Great Movies. Sunday we continued with her Batman education by showing her Batman Begins, to which she loved. Much like many others, and I am one of them, she thought Batman Begins was better then Batman and Batman Returns. From there I need to work on the DVD from February's show so she laid down and we gave her a taste of John Carpenter in the form of The Thing. I'll forgive her for thinking that Kurt Russell was Patrick Swayze in the beginning, he was young and scruffy in that movie. We ended the lesson with Waiting... the under appreciated comedy starting Ryan Reynolds, the chick from Scary Movie, the kid from The Mac Commercials and...Dane Cook. She worked in a restaurant very similar to the one in the movie and such spent most of the movie connecting with it on a much deeper level then others, the kind that only people who have witnessed that horror can understand.

That sums up the weekend, and I'm quite proud that I've been able to include a link to something in each paragraph above, quite an accomplishment since most of the time I am lazy in that area. Come on in where Nightmares are the best part of my day!!!...sorry, watching that Warrior clip. Just reminds me how I wish I was just batshit crazy and could go off on a complete tangent where no one understood anything that I said. Then again, many would claim that this is what this blog is...

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