Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Wrestling and Roids

Apparently the world of professional wrestling is back under the interrogation spotlight due to this latest steroid ring. SI is reporting that many wrestlers used this service, and as many as eleven "big name" wrestlers have been named. Initially Kurt Angle was the only name released but I feel that had more to do with him being an Olympic Gold Medalist then a pro wrestler. This isn't the first time there has been a steroid scandal in wrestling.

You think many in the industry would learn from Superstar Billy Graham, but through the years apparently we never learn from our mistakes. I could go on how this is not just limited to pro wrestling, especially when looking at Nam errrr I mean Iraq. Some of the names listed in this scandal are Edge, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Kurt Angle, Randy Orton and sadly Shane Helms.

Now some are no real surprises, everyone knew Eddie was on the juice and people pretty much assumed Rey Mysterio was too after his body transformation. Randy Orton has had drug problems in the past, and Edge needed to do something to get to that next level. In the same sense I get why Shane Helms did it (if it's true), you can only be considered a gimmick so long until you want to move on...unless you're Doink. Am I disappointed if it's true about Shane Helms, very much so, this is a man who wrote back to me when I was younger about what it takes to get into wrestling. I have met the man, he's a great person and I thought a great role model for kids. I don't want to pass judgement on the man, but at the same time I am not surprised that he did this if he did it.

I'm not naive to think that even in the EWA that we don't have someone in the locker room who is on the juice. Hell, I'm 90% certain we do have someone in the locker room who juices. I also understand the desire by pro wrestlers and other athletes to juice. In the world today with so much parity one must go the extra mile to get ahead and not everyone has the natural god given ability athletically. If you want even a sniff of the WWE you need to resemble a greek god, be some kind of physical freak (see Viscera/Great Khali), or just be so on top of your game that they call you. Even then they may just bury you against others who shouldn't even sniff your jock strap (see CM Punk).

I don't condone what they do, I can understand the desire to follow your passion, to reach for that paycheck, to be bigger then you are now. Some folks no matter how hard they work out will not get bigger then a certain level, it's simple genetics. I won't lie, I've even thought about going on the juice just so I could follow my dream. I think any person who is dying to do something has thought about it. I am just thankful my father was such a good parent, as I would never do more then think about it.

The saddest thing in all of this is that it will not deter the next person to try it. You could have all the tools to get to that next level, you're just missing power. You know why you juice, because if you don't the guy behind you or beside you will and take your spot. Until we can completely eliminate the possibility of passing a drug test, specially with HGH, this will continue. Sadly it's a HUGE industry and the advances in passing test happen faster then making tests that can determine if you're on it or not. We also need to be MUCH stricter against taking it. I would be completely for a lifetime ban from your sport if you're caught, if betting on games gets you a life time game, why not steroids and HGH?

Now the WWE has made progress in this area, they have a Talent Wellness Program. They were quick to point out that the drugs bought by these wrestlers happened before the program was implemented. They also rule out online doctors as a valid medical source which tells me they found out about this scandal before reporters. As bad as the WWE has been in the most recent years, this may be the best move they've ever made, specially with all the deaths we've seen in the last month.


Anonymous said...

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Mike said...

The only way to eliminate steroids from sports/entertainment is for the fans -- the same ones who engage in all the hand-wringing -- to stop spending their money on the oversized goons who provide the show.

And that'll never happen.

I've long considered "steroids in sports" to be a huge non-issue. As to "steroids in entertainment," where no fair competition notions are implicated, who cares?

If the wrestlers wanna shoot up, why is it anyone else's business?