Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Right Fears Olberman

Glenn Greenwald is a terrific writer in the blogosphere, at least from my point of view. When I read his work, I almost always come away impressed. He also wrote a best selling book, How A Patriot Would Act. He's one of the good guys (see constitutional law and civil rights litigator in New York.) in this where more and more of the bad guys are the ones who get to speak their minds while those who are tolerant and thoughtful are pushed away for sound bites.

His piece yesterday is about an AP story that the Giuliani campaign had complaints over the fact that Keith Olbermann, heir apparent to Edward Murrow, was assigned to cover the GOP presidential debate with Chris Matthews, windbag extraordinaire, to moderate.
Olbermann's popularity and evolving image as an ideaologue (sic) has led NBC News to stretch traditional notions of journalistic objectivity. . . .

Having Olbermann anchor -- as he will continue, with Matthews, for big political nights throughout the campaign -- is the MSNBC equivalent of Fox News Channel assigning the same duties to O'Reilly.

Fox has never done that, perhaps mindful of the immediate controversy that would result. Fox has tried to differentiate between its news operation and its prime-time opinion shows, even as its critics believe strongly that's bunk.

In this case, MSNBC doesn't try to separate news and opinion people, even as it tries to separate news and opinion.

Now, I'm not going to go off on Brit Hume or other Faux News personalities because in my opinion they're all Bill O'Reily, I don't know if you have one legitimate straight news anchor on that network. No, what I would like to speak on is the right's fear of K.O.

He has done his damnedest to channel his inner Murrow, and in doing so has seen his ratings rise. He has taken on the beast with a shield and sword and has beaten the beast back. If you think that blogs and people like Glenn Greenwald, Jon Stewart and Keith Olbermann don't have anything to do with this change in national perception in regards to the right wing politicians, you must be living under a rock. Unlike the right who plead to the community's fears and emotions, this new left pleads to your common sense and decency.

This is a new left that has a backbone, even if the majority of the politicians don't yet. Some are slowly growing one, they're not backing down when confronted by a White House or hit an obstacle like a Presidential veto. The people have spoken and they are tired of all the lies and corruption in our Nation's capital. I think the right fears Olbermann because he is the closest thing to Edward R. Murrow that we have right now and the right saw the power Murrow had to bring down one of the most powerful Senators of his time.

If I was the right, I would be scared shitless right now. The corruption they have been living in for the last six years is beginning to peak its head out from under the carpet they tried to sweep it under. The wolves are closing in around their campfire and they only have a few embers left until it completely goes out and their entire party is hurt worse then anything Nixon ever did to harm it. This time no actor, be it Fred Thompson or Arnold himself, will be able to pull it up from the absolute carnage that this administration is going to leave it in.

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