Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Smack Yo Bitch Up

Rep. Ron Paul laid another bitch slap to the Republican nominees last night during the second debate. Finally a candidate told the truth of some of the reason why were attacked on 9/11. It wasn't because they hate our FREEDOMS, it's due to the policy and actions of our government over the last quarter of a century.

Rudy Giuliani apparently took offense to the FACTS and tried to go after Ron Paul. Since Rudy is trying to run as the Mr. Terrorism Defeater since he was Mayor of NYC during 9/11 (who doesn't even have the support of his former constituents) he wanted to sound strong, in the end I think he hurt himself. Then on the blowback, Hannity and Colmes, who must have had a shot of courage prior to this, Ron Paul smacked Hannity as well.

I don't know which Republican talking point Hannity was trying to push, as he tried about five at once, but Paul and Colmes were able to correct him. I wouldn't mind a Paul/Hagel ticket as now one outside of NYC cares for Bloomberg. In the end Ron Paul even won Faux News American Idol imitation text poll, though of course Faux tried to spin that as well. We may as well call Faux News The Spin Cycle.

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