Friday, May 4, 2007

Spiderman 3

As I look out at the vast land of the blogosphere this morning and read other's reviews of Spiderman 3 I see a general consensus of the same thing. We all think Spidey 2 was so far the best comic book movie of all time. We all wish for that to improve on, but how do you improve on perfection? I don't know if you can, and they definitely didn't, but we all agree that we liked it and didn't like it all at the same time. That being said, let me talk about first about the things I absolutely loved about this movie.

1. I loved the fact that both Venom and Sandman had dead on costumes in this movie and Gwen Stacey had Gwen Stacey hair. I know this seems childish in a sense, but when you have movies like X-Men just completely throw off the costume idea, it's nice to see something that is such a visual art form stay true to that fact.

2. Sandman, wow, they did this character some justice in his back story and what his motivations were. I think you could have saved this character for the next movie and mix in some Lizard, but he was really well done.

3. Venom, it was from space, it became bloodthirsty, and I personally think they set up Carnage at the end, but then I may be the only one who picked up on that. Not just that, they stayed true to his weaknesses and the like, I though that was really well done. Actually, Venom and Sandman were both really well done, that was not the problem in this movie, it was something else completely.

4. Bruce Campbell and Stan Lee with their best cameos in this series in this movie. Their characters gave a levity that helped this movie and die-hard fans greatly at times where there was no action.

Problems with this flick

1. Kirsten Dunst, who I'm pretty sure hung out with Chong this entire film, just mailed this one in. I know Peter got the emo hair at one point, but did she have to actually be emo the entire time? We didn't need to hear her sing, no one cares about MJ, and this just isn't the right actress to play her, period. Other then the plot device to get Aunt May involved and Harry involved in the final scene. I think to me she is what was wrong with this movie, I just didn't buy the chemistry of Peter and herself. The better choice would be for at the beginning of the movie MJ to go off to LA to become an actress, which leads to Gwen and Peter and Eddie having conflict. Hell, you could have still killed her father and her blaming Spidey, just have Venom do it.

2. The wrong relationship was center stage, they wanted to focus more on MJ and Peter and this will they won't they bullshit they've had since the first once and the Harry and Peter relationship that had a chemistry I DID buy. The butler part wouldn't have been as cheesy if they had skipped the entire Peter as Fred Astair in the Jazz club. You could have seen a mental breakdown of Harry, seen him fight within himself, and come to the realization that Peter was right.

3. Not enough Gwen Stacey, and when she was used, it was improperly. MJ and Gwen were friends, almost best friends one would say. She was smart and loved the intellectual side of Peter Parker, not the bimbo model they portrayed her as half the movie. She still could have died in this movie, but to have any impact there would have had to been a romance between Peter and her and for some reason the powers that be refuse to allow us Peter's one true love.

It was at least a solid movie, not as bad as others, but I could just see the potential they had in it. Just the various things they could have done that would have made it oh so much better, but sadly they love MJ for some reason. Yes, I putting the blame of this movie on Kirsten Dunst and Mary Jane. Everything else was spectacular, it wasn't the problem of too many villains as some have suggested it's this worthless layabout who can't hack it on Broadway, whore.

Though I did pop for the Spamalot signs, which apparently MJ's play was in the same building since if I remember right from earlier this year, there isn't a theater right next to it.

1 comment:

Amanda L. said...

Very nicely written, I agree with most of what you wrote.

Have you seen this?

They aren't cameos you know, they are
important roles! hehe