Tuesday, May 15, 2007

We All Hate Comcast

Hell, if you have cable you probably hate your provider as well. Sen. John Rockerfeller (D-WV) is going to introduce a bill that has something to do with Television violence and this has led to the Cable Choice a la carte option that many folks want. John Dunbar, AP, has more:
The Federal Communications Commission released a report in late April suggesting to Congress that an a la carte system would allow parents to shield their children from violent shows by not subscribing to the channels that carry them.

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, who has been unshakable in his support of channel choice, says it can't happen without federal legislation. And thus far, the issue has gotten little traction on Capitol Hill.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., who is expected to unveil a bill addressing television violence any day now, has opposed the creation of an a la carte system.

The overall lack of support might seem surprising, considering that the average household in 2006 received 104 channels, yet tuned in to only 16 of them, according to the Nielsen TV ratings company.

A la carte is being supported by the Parent's Television Council and Consumer's Union and is being opposed by the National Cable and Telecommunications Association, an industry trade group. Of course this is because, despite their claims, subscribers would be charged less money not more. Yeah, they may need to hire more staff, but they need to do that anyway because 90% of Comcast employees are fucking dee dee dee.

I am in full favor of a la carte, especially since it would hopefully shut the Parents Television Council up, which I've been dying to have for a decade now. So this now brings to mind, what channels would you want? The study shows that people only really watch 16 channels so my question to you is what twenty channels would you choose to have on your cable subscription?

My List
The CW
Comedy Central
History Channel
NFL Network
Food Network
Cartoon Network

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