Monday, May 14, 2007

Well That Explains It

via CNN:
The Defense Department will begin blocking access "worldwide" to YouTube, MySpace and 11 other popular Web sites on its computers and networks, according to a memo sent Friday by Gen. B.B. Bell, the U.S. Forces Korea commander.

The policy is being implemented to protect information and reduce drag on the department's networks, according to Bell.
I suppose this is the reason why I don't get to spend my days watching videos and the like at work. It also could be suggested that it's the reason I've blogged more on average in the last week then I have the entire time I've run Planet Houston.

With that in mind, I've noticed a HUGE spike in my traffic over the last few weeks. In the last three weeks I've had something like 3000 visitors, and I want to thank you all. Since BlogPatrol is still down I have no idea where you all are coming from, if there really is that many people taking interest in me. So please, tell me about yourselves, where you found me and what brings you back every day?

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