Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy V-Day in victory day? Sure why not, it's the best V-Day I've had...probably ever. We all want someone to love, whether we admit it or not, and V-Day is the day the corporations decided we should all show that love...other then birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas. I for one love Anita and I don't need a special day to show that. So what if I gave her a few things this V-Day, she's earned it, she puts up with me doesn't she?

So driving to work this morning I discovered two facts about Anna Nicole Smith that I felt I should share with everyone. Now these are not things you would hear on the MSM or even Fox Opinion Network, now these lil nuggets of geniusness came from my own noggin. One, there is only one person capable of dealing with this baby father business. He has YEARS of experience on the subject and the only source we should all trust. I am of course talking about Maury Povich, the one man who can swim through the alleged fathers and come out with the real poppa. Though I don't know how he would handle with this many men actually wanting to BE the father. The second is something we should all just accept now before it becomes public knowledge. We all know who the child's father is...

Kevin Federline.

1 comment:

Freewheel said...

You're right. Dude gets around like a bad cold.