Monday, April 16, 2007


I know we of the blogosphere love to point out the faults of the Bush administration. I wish upon wish that it was things that were menial and not that important or cost human lives which the Republicans so love to claim they cherish, but sadly this is not the case. Especially when your Humanitarian Ambassador for Sudan doesn't believe there is genocide taking place there.

So in the last month or so we have lawyers from a college run by a TV nutjob running the DOJ, the Humanitarian Ambassador telling us that the sky is purple, and then we have the final report about something we all already knew, that abstinence only programs don't work.

Finally, the VA Tech Shootings has turned into the worst campus shooting in American history, with 21 people killed. I really worry where the media is going to take this with the anniversary of Columbine coming up in a few days. I have a good number of friends who are VA Tech alumni and I know today has been tough on them. You never want your college known as the place where this will become its history. Again, thoughts, prayers, etc go out to all the family and friends of the fallen.

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