Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Fall of the Moral Majority

I guess I should say something about the passing of Christian blow-hard Jerry Falwell yesterday. I have no love for the guy and I'm trying my damnedest not to dance on his grave. I don't feel sympathy for friends and family, it's always tough to lose a family member or someone you're close to. I could say something nice and say something like...he touched many people's lives, but then again so did Pinochet.

I know some people gasp when there has been comments like, one down now it's time for Pat Robertson to push up daisies. Hell, I thought it too. These two men have caused more harm to our nation arguably then any other two men in the last quarter century. This was a man who had the audacity to say our embrace of homosexuality is why God punished us with 9-11. So I'm supposed to feel sorry that this cosmic jackass is dead?

Hell no I won't, and I won't feel bad when Pat Robertson is released from the mortal coil. These men lead a religion that is supposed to be based on love and forgiveness but preach hate and damnation. They love to say what Jesus would do, but their turning business into a business goes right against the teachings of Christ.
John 2:13-15
13When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14In the temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. 15So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16To those who sold doves he said, "Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!"

In the last 25 years they have preached hatred and condemned people of other lifestyles because it wasn't what THEY believed, Jesus said nothing about homosexuality. Pat Robertson even went against the Ten Commandments, which the right hold in such high regard, and called for the assassination of Hugo Chavez. It was people like these two assclowns that led me to almost despise organized religion. I grew up in a religious household of a sort, I knew my bible, I know the message Jesus taught and it wasn't this message. About ten years ago it went from love, forgiveness, and the good news of Jesus Christ. In the last ten, it has become hellfire and brimstone, damnation and how all these sins are to be blamed for our lot in life.

I'm sorry, I just don't buy it. I think these two figured out people will gladly give money to save their souls from fire on Earth, a message of the great evil that surrounds us, then a message of peace, love and prosperity. I know I'm ranting, but these people get under my skin like no one else. I know around every turn of the century the Christians get like this, expecting the Rapture and Revelations, but it's tired.

The saddest thing is John McCain, so determined to become President he sold his morals and integrity to attempt to win favor of these far right whack jobs. He once called Jerry Falwell "an agent of intolerance" and he was completely right. Since losing in 2000 he has sold his soul to the devils of this world in an attempt to be President and it hurts me a lil bit inside. Damn, I didn't want to dance on a grave, but it looks like I went off on a rant a bit.

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