Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Quote of the Day

Found via Melissa McEwan of Shakesville and John Edwards fame.
“States all over the country are not only missing personnel—National Guard troops are about 40 percent of the troops on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan—but we’re missing the equipment. When the troops get deployed, the equipment goes with them. So, here in Kansas, about 50 percent of our trucks are gone. We need trucks. We’re missing Humvees, we’re missing all kinds of equipment that can help us respond to this kind of emergency. … [A]s you travel around Greensburg, you’ll see that the city and county trucks were destroyed. They—the storm hit them, as well as anything…so we’re borrowing equipment from around, but National Guard are our first responders. They don’t have the equipment they need to come in. And it will just make it that much slower.”

That was from Kansas Govenor Kathleen Sebelius (D). As you know there were six tornadoes that touched down in Kansas over the weekend unleashing a tremendous amount of damage. It killed ten and put hundreds, maybe thousands, more without homes. Above is an aerial image of the Greensburg Tornado damage. Just another example of how this war in Iraq is hurting our country.

I have to wonder, how many natural disasters do we need, how many American's without homes can we get, before the commander guy realizes those people are desperately need more here then to defend your poppa, get oil, fight terror, or whatever other rhetoric he wants to come up with this week to justify this illegal invasion.

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